IT Project Management Guidelines

IT Project Management

The City of Rock Island Information Technology Services Department defines all requests pertaining to Non-Established or Non-Budgeted elements will be identified and the user will be notified that the request is Not Routine and will require the following steps:

Project Request Classifications and Requirements


IT Director Approval

Email Justification

Project Coordinated by IT Staff Project

< $2,500

< 40 Hours


City Manager Approval

Written Justification/Memo Form

Managed Informally by IT Staff/Director

> $2,500 and < $5,000

> 40 Hours and < 120 Hours


Council/Board Approval

Formal Business Case

Project Formally Managed

> $5,000

> 120 Hours

  1. Request Evaluated by I.T. – Customer makes request – Need/want/expectation *, **, ***

      1. Define Concept - Problem/Opportunity Definition

      2. Business Need / Project Feasibility - Needs Assessment – Requirements Defined

          1. Costs - Capital & Human Resource - Man Hours Required, Financial Impact – Total cost

          2. Cost Recovery Timeline - Return on Investment Strategy

          3. What is to be Gained/ Problem Solved – Where is the benefit?

          4. Overall Timeline Required to complete – How does it fit with other projects?

          5. All items completed by requesting Customer/Department

  2. Recommendation Made to the Customer Board of Users. ***

      1. Authorizes Project

      2. Appoints Project Manager

      3. Business case / Justification Included

      4. Accounting Criteria Defined/Used

  3. Acquire City Council and/or Boards Approval (If Required) ***

  4. Scope of Project Defined **, ***

    1. Project Background.

    2. Itemize all deliverables (What will it look like, what will it do, who will use it)

    3. Creation Strategy

    4. Target Date and Rational

    5. Budget

    6. Risk Assessment -

    7. Priority – Relation to other Projects / Goals

    8. Executive Sponsor – Who will provide direction & decision

    9. Predetermined tools/resources

    10. Assumptions

    11. Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Requirements

    12. Impact of any Regulations/Rules/Laws/Ordinances/Etc.

    13. Definition of Roles & Responsibilities

    14. Change Control Process

    15. Success/Completion Criteria Defined

  5. Project Implementation & Change Management ***

    1. Action items are assigned

    2. Work Breakdown Structure created

    3. Timeline refined

    4. Budget Surpluses/Overruns

    5. Tasks Completed / Milestones noted

    6. Basic On-Time/Under Budget/ In Scope Management

    7. Quality Control

  6. Project Completion – Review ***

    1. Lessons Learned

    2. System Handoff

    3. Education

    4. Documentation